Robert Logsdon

Artist Robert Logsdon was born in 1948 in rural Shelbyville, Kentucky. Even in childhood he was inspired and intrigued by the beauty and mystery of nature. The natural world was everywhere around him and he spent every possible moment in it. Although his family moved to the largest city in Kentucky, Louisville, when he was two, he took every opportunity to be on his grandparents’ farms in southern Indiana and Kentucky. There he would hike, camp and explore the woodlands that many Native American Tribes had explored and that John J. Audubon found so fascinating and full of wildlife. Robert felt a oneness with nature and a kinship with the Native American soul.
Robert experienced the beauty of nature as a mysterious doorway inviting entrance into another world. Beyond this doorway lay what he describes as “nature’s creative process” and the “Divine Source of Creation”. A never-ending source of fascination, opportunity for observation and place of peace, this world of nature compelled Robert toward an artist’s life of exploration into, and expression of, this world.